agf aozora marche, animate, animate girls festival, ikebukuro, otome, Text Post, 乙女

AGF Aozora Marche: Event Report

In contrast to Animate Girls Festival 2019, the event this year was scaled down immensely because of the current situation worldwide.

Despite all this, I somehow managed to get a chance to go to Ikebukuro Sunshine City indoor venue.

This year’s wristband
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otome, otome romance, romantic drama app, voltage inc, 恋愛ドラマアプリ, 乙女

Voltage Inc’s Bakumatsu Ishin Amakakeru Koi (BakuTen) is scheduled to be released this Winter 2021!

L ~ R: Prince Sanjo Sanetomi, MC, Sakamoto Ryoma, Takasugi Shinsaku, and Okubo Toshimichi;
all of them played a part in the Restoration

It’s been two years since Voltage Inc came up with another otome game that’s a dress-up type, so I’m hoping that this also gets localized…!

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まかナイ, court of darkness, 魔界ナイトメア, 魔界王子と魅惑のナイトメア, makai nightmare, makai ouji to miwaku no nightmare, makanai, otome, voltage inc, 乙女

Voltage Inc’s Makai Ouji to Miwaku no Nightmare app in English has finally been released!

Just in time for Halloween!

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animate, animate ikebukuro, 「ビルシャナ戦姫 ~源平飛花夢想~」発売記念抽選会, アニメイト本店, ビルシャナ戦姫 ~源平飛花夢想~, birushana senki, birushana senki ~genpei hika musou~, ikebukuro, minamoto no yoritomo, minamoto no yoshitsune, musashibo benkei, otomate, otome, shungen, taira no noritsune, taira no tomomori, 平知盛, 平教経, 春玄, 武蔵坊弁慶, 乙女, 源義経, 源頼朝

Birushana Senki ~Genpei Hika Musou~ Release Date Celebration Lottery Event Report

I nearly missed this event, but with schedule changes that happened from my end, I made it.

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